Social Media = Media that’s SOCIAL

(Which means it’s a two-way conversation)

Goal: Content that moves (gets likes and engages shares)


  1. Start with a question
  2. Insert space and a CTA (Call to Action)
  3. 3 Bullets with symbols (emojis-like a checkmark)
  4. Tag people
  5. Hashtags to find your content later
  6. Pictures (with words on it), infographics, or videos
  7. Like your own post
  8. Add a comment. In the first comment post URL.
  9. Within the first hour, get someone else to like, comment or share it.
  10. Shares have the greatest value.

The more your content is liked, shared, and commented on during the first 30 minutes to an hour, the more it “moves” (seen in hashtags, newsfeeds, “trending”)

Goal: Get your connections to engage in 1st hour.

  • TAG them
  • Be reciprocal (When people tag you, like comment, and share their post, too)
  • #/Hashtags = good content gets noticed by LinkedIn editors and the algorithm can pick it up more.
    • # Your company’s name or product
    • #Innovation
    • #Business
    • #Tips
  • @(Person’s Name)
  • @(Non-profit Company Name – if they have a social media)

The LinkedIn algorithm works well with these ten steps, so if you follow them, you will engage shares, likes, and comments on your posts. The point of creating content is for others to see and interact with it. These steps will ensure that people will.